torture --n. 1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain 2. a method of inflicting such pain Hi, This stuff applies ONLY to v3.0b of AmiTCP. It is also most likely incomplete or has errors (some of it was just guessing on my part). But it works for Amosaic and ncftp. I haven't tried the mail servers yet tho and I expect I might have to make corrections when I do. 3.0b can be had from the AMosaic WWW area (use lynx to grab this sucker): --Note, the site above is sometimes closed. I'm going to give you lots of info and some of it won't make sense till you need it First, this is a direct quote of the info provided to me by Scott in Customer Service when I asked for IP addresses and stuff: ---------------------------START QUOTE From: Cust. Support - S.M. To: Shadownyc Subj: TIA Settup Date: 01-04-95 11:20 Area: E-mail IP Address: (or Nameserver: (secondary) IP Gateway Server: NNTP: SMTP: Mail Server: Newsgroups: domain: YOUR known as (alias) try those, that's the stuff you need! -Scott ---------------------------END QUOTE Start the automatic installation script of AmiTCP and use the above info. If you don't know where some stuff fits, don't worry. I'm going give you everything you need below, I just want you to get the files on your HD :) I will briefly discribe some "highlights" ;) from the install script below. Pick ENVARC: drawer for the HOSTNAME variable You will be asked to select which device drivers to configure (there are 4 included). You only need to configure rhslip.device the others aren't needed. You also will be asked to give the password of root in a sub-script (this one confused me). You don't need that crap so just keep clicking the close gadget on the "output window" till the install proceeds. At the end of the installation, AmiTCP will ask permission to put some assigns in your User-Startup file. I don't like stuff added to my U-S (slows down boot). I will give you a script that assigns and starts AmiTCP from an icon on WB so you should refuse to let it write to your U-S. ...Okay, you got the stuff on your HD but you know the Host and other configs are screwy as hell. Fret no's how the files should look: 1. The "HOSTNAME" file located in your ENVARC: drawer ----------QUOTE START ----------QUOTE END 2. The "netdb" file located in the AmiTCP:dv drawer (the line needing your attention is halfway thru after "hosts") --------------------QUOTE START ; ; netdb -- the network database file for AmiTCP/IP ; ; Copyright © 1993 AmiTCP/IP Group, ; Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. ; All rights reserved. ; ; $Id: netdb,v 1.8 1994/03/26 13:01:34 too Exp $ ; ; Created : Thu Apr 22 15:05:21 1993 ppessi ; Last modified: Sat Mar 26 15:00:52 1994 too ; ; Include information from local networking environment ; (File created by installer) WITH netdb-myhost ; ; hosts ; H localhost WITH hosts PREFIX=H ; ; Local networks ; N loopback-net 127 software-loopback-net ; ; Protocols ; WITH protocols PREFIX=P ; ; Network services, Internet style ; WITH services PREFIX=S ; ; Access control list for incoming connections. ; WITH inet.access PREFIX=ACCESS ;;;; EOF ---------------------------------QUOTE END 3. The "netdb-myhost" file in the AmiTCP:dv drawer should look like this: --------------------------QUOTE START ; This host HOST ; Domain names DOMAIN ; Name servers NAMESERVER NAMESERVER --------------------------QUOTE END 4. The "interfaces" file from the dv/ drawer (it's mostly comments so I have "snipped" it here to get to the meat): --------------------------------------------------------EDITED QUOTE START # $Id: interfaces,v 3.3 1994/02/26 13:56:56 ppessi Exp $ # # Network Interface Configuration for AmiTCP/IP # ============================================= # #......................................................... # # Here is a few examples: # # Serial Line IP # slip0 dev=devs:networks/rhslip.device UNIT=0 + IPTYPE=2048 NOARP P2P IPREQ=8 WRITEREQ=8 # # SLIP with V. Jacobson header compression # #cslip dev=devs:networks/rhcslip.device # IPTYPE=2048 NOARP P2P IPREQ=8 WRITEREQ=8 # # Ethernet adapter A2065 # #ether dev=devs:networks/a2065.device # IPTYPE=2048 ARPTYPE=2054 ARPHDR=1 ARPREQ=4 IPREQ=16 WRITEREQ=16 # # Arcnet adapter a2060 # #arcnet dev=devs:networks/a2060.device NOTRACKING # IPTYPE=240 ARPTYPE=241 ARPHDR=7 ARPREQ=4 IPREQ=16 WRITEREQ=16 # # An X.25 driver by Dave Martin # #axdm dev=devs:networks/ax25.device + # IPTYPE=204 ARPTYPE=205 ARPHDR=3 ARPREQ=3 IPREQ=16 WRITEREQ=16 -----------------------------------------------------------------QUOTE END 5. Modify the "passwd" and "groups" files in the db drawer. The format of these files is in the "How To Install" text but basically you put your email handle first and put a dummy password after the "|" (it replaces the "*"). You don't need to enter your real password into these files. For Example, mine look like this: dlonardo|dummy|etc.|etc.|useless crap|etc. That's all the files you need to edit. Make sure they look exactly like the above (or just cut them from this letter). Delete the Sana2 drawer in your envarc: You don't need it (you might want to save one of the sample configs in it--just stuff it out of sight) I will now give you the script(ure) of the Gods This script will config the drivers and assign and start AmiTCP. It supersedes the puny "startnet" script in the AmiTCP:bin drawer that is usually used to start AmiTCP. I will comment it for you convenience (ie, lines with ";"). You'll want to remove most of the comments after you're set. ------------------------------------------------------QUOTE START ;Arexx is started below--I usually don't have it running after my boot ;If you do, you can delete the following line. sys:system/rexxmast ;The stuff below is the crap AmiTCP wanted to put in the User-Startup ;I think it's better to keep my boot under 10 minutes ;-) ;BEGIN AmiTCP/IP ;*******************change line below to the directory you used for AmiTCP assign AmiTCP: WORK:Telecom/TCP path AmiTCP:bin add ;*******************You should use your email handle below AmiTCP:bin/login -f dlonardo AmiTCP:bin/umask 022 ;END AmiTCP/IP ;Configure the Slip device while keeping envarc cleaner :-) ;this makes the Sana2 drawer in env: (ram) if it isn't there already if not exists ENV:Sana2 makedir ENV:Sana2 endif ;Below is the Sana2 config but note that I use the dialer.device instead ;of the serial.device. The dialer device calls up CRIS and logs into ;SLIP (which you would have to do manually in a separate terminal program ;cause AmiTCP doesn't do phones). Get this neat hack from AMINET ;under pub/aminet/comm/net/dialer_1b.lha ;It's a piece of cake to configure---until you get it, replace ;"dialer.device" with "serial.device" in the line below echo "dialer.device 0 57600 7WIRE" >ENV:Sana2/rhslip0.config run AmiTCP:AmiTCP WaitForPort AMITCP ; configure loop-back device AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig lo0 localhost ; Configure Devs:Networks/rhslip.device unit 0 AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig slip0 netmask ; Add route to this host AmiTCP:bin/route add localhost ; Add route to the default gateway AmiTCP:bin/route add default ;********************The below is not related to my work:telecom/tcp drawer Assign TCP: Exists > NIL: IF Warn Mount TCP: from AmiTCP:devs/Inet-Mountlist EndIf ------------------------------------------------QUOTE END Now attach the above script to a project icon with IconX as it's default tool. You can then logon and get running by the click of an icon :)--BTW, I own your first-born now ];-{ Below is my Config from the dialer.device called "dialer0.config". Stuff writen by me is preceeded by "*"'s---NOTE the "@slip" you have to add to your handle at logon. -----------------------QUOTE START # dialer.device config file # Most config commands are optional # keywords are case-insensitive # default: "serial.device" # DEVICE # default: 0 UNIT 0 # default: Prefs setting BAUD 57600 # default: ATZ #INITSTRING ATZ # default: ATDT #DIALSTRING ATDT131,1234567890, #DIALSTRING ATDP9,WT # You can have as many phone numbers as you like, including none. They will # be dialled in turn until you get a CONNECT. Dialling will be aborted on # "ERROR" or "NO DIALTONE". If there are no phone numbers, no modem # initialisation will be done. # *****************************Below is my NYC pop PHONE 7141154 # default: 60 DIALTIMEOUT 30 # You can have as many Conversations as you like, including none. # we wait for the first string, then send the second, with a CR appended # they will be actioned in the order encountered # ********************************your CRIS handle below--keep the "@slip" CONVERSE user: shadownyc@slip # ********************************enter your password below CONVERSE sword: CONVERSE tware. "" # The time we wait in a Conversation for the expected string # default: 30 TIMEOUT 20 # default: 320 11 320 100 #WINDOWSIZE 320 11 320 100 # default: 320 11 320 11 #ZOOMSIZE 320 11 320 11 ---------------------------------------QUOTE END THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) Good Luck Dave